Dear Tech Support:

Please help! I recently downloaded one of your software upgrades and now I need help to restore my system.

A couple of days ago I upgraded from Girlfriend_7.0 to Wife_1.0. and right away I saw that the new program began unexpected child processing. Not only is this annoying, but it takes up space and resources. Then I saw that Wife_1.0 self installed onto ALL of the other programs on my drive and is now monitoring ALL system activity. This was completely unexpected. Now I have error conflicts and restricted access to most of my favorite applications such as: Poker.Night_10, Baseball_5.0, Hanging.with.friends_7, and Me.time_3.6 - just to name a few.

I can't seem to keep Wife_1.0 as a background program when running my various other applications. I tried going back to Girlfriend_7.0, and that's when I discovered the uninstall file doesn't work on Wife_1.0! I'm stuck. Please help!

Troubled User



Dear Troubled User:
This is a very common problem. Many people who upgrade from versions of the standard Girlfriend platform to Wife_1.0, do so thinking that it is a normal "Utilities and Entertainment" program. It is NOT.

Please be aware that Wife_1.0 is a stand alone OPERATING SYSTEM and is designed by the programmer to run EVERYTHING you have!!! It is impossible to delete Wife_1.0 and rollback to Girlfriend_7.0 - which basically makes it impossible to uninstall or purge the program files from the system once installed. You CANNOT go back to Girlfriend_7.0 because Wife_1.0 is specifically designed not to allow this.

You might want to reference your Wife_1.0 User Manual under the section titled "Warnings-Alimony-Child Support". We recommend that you keep Wife_1.0 installed as is and work on improving your configuration preferences. We further suggest you install the latest version of our background application: Yes.Dear_99 to minimize any lingering issues you may experience.

The best course of action for this problem is always to enter the command C:\APOLOGIZE because, ultimately, you will have to do this before the system will return to normal functionality.

As Advertised, Wife_1.0 is a great program, but it tends to be very high maintenance. Because we understand this may take some getting used too, it comes bundled with several outstanding features such as; Cook.It_1.5 , Clean.And.Sweep_3.0, and Do.Bills_4.2. We chose to offer these at no additional cost in order to make the consumers transition as painless as possible.

However, we advise using extreme caution in how you set your preferences in this type of program. Improper setup will cause the system to launch the root program Nag.Nag.Nag_9. Once this happens, the only way to restore Wife_1.0 is by purchasing additional software - we usually recommend: Flowers_2.1, Romantic.Dinner_4 and, of course, Diamonds_5.0. But beware - sometimes these applications can get very expensive.

DO NOT, under any circumstances, install Secretary.With.Short.Skirt_3 -- This application is NOT supported by Wife_1.0 and will cause irreversible and permenant damage to your system.

DO NOT, under any circumstances, install New.Girl.Friend_8.8 alongside Wife_1.0 as this will also crash your system as well as cause catastrophic hardware damage to any peripherals attached to your computer (see Wife_1.0 user manual sections; "User Error -Apologize- High Maintenance & Secretary.with.Short.Skirt")

Good Luck, Let us know if you decide to live with the system changes or choose to work it out another way. We appreciate your business.

Tech Support



Eric J. Kiser

Eric J. Kiser

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